Working From Home Day F (Friday):

Image result for friday beers

*No Proofreading

Today is different, I woke up in a great mood and it feels great.  Even though I have been trapped inside since last march and there is ice everywhere things are going great.  To be honest with you work has been an absolute turd and a half.  Speaking of turds im on my second cup of coffee and oh boy I hope the bidet is kicking today.

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I received my keyboard piano in the mail yesterday and it is a piece of soft cat shit.  It is too small for even an umpa lumpa from the movie where the candy guy kills all those kids.  Also Charlie’s grandfather is a real piece of crap.  Dude doesn’t get out of bed for like fifty years and they he get offered something free and practically skips to the chocolate factory.  Did you know there is a second part of Charlie and the chocolate factory?  I think it is called the glass elevator and they go to the moon and the white house?  Isn’t that crazy.

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But other than that we got a big weekend planned.  Today im going to get a haircut and look like a snack, tonight we have a wedding rehearsal, tomorrow we have a wedding, and Sunday we have a big hockey game.  I will be senor grumpy pants on Monday and that stinks because we have to meet with a priest about our wedding on Monday.  I was previously not aware at the sure number meeting for being wed in the Catholic Church.

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Do you want to be a spaceman and live in the sky?  Well yes I do Liam Gallagher that why I am listening to a podcast with Elon Musk.  I will be willing to be one of the people that helps colonize mars and other planets around our solar system.  Also the boys and I got some more nba stop shot packs last night and unfortunately we got nothing to brag about.  Does anyone know a guy named Maxi Kleber?  Yeah me either but will just have to wait until the next drop of get my Lebrons.

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Ok I need to run and do work so I have time to go get a haircut.  Everyone have a nice weekend and be careful.  Peace.

This Song is Neat:

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